Travels with the tail end boomers

Tales of our travels, see if this inspires you

About Me


I’m Fiona, and I’ve recently retired. I’m hoping to start making some indents to my bucket list and hope to share these adventures with you. I consider myself to be averagely fit, (I’m not a gym bunny), though I quite like walking and am fortunate to have good health – no replacement parts yet! I’m working on the principle if I can manage the activity then you most likely can too.

On our trip to Cuba the guide told us that she split her clients into 3 groups,

  • The Traveller – they want to do everything, see everything, experience everything
  • The Tourist – they want to do a lot, see a lot, experience a lot – but not quite everything!
  • The Ones that never really left home – can I have my creature comforts that I’m used to, just somewhere warmer!

I’m counting myself in the Tourist category, I do want to experience the country, try the food, see the culture – but there are limits! I’m happy to be an independent traveller, but sometimes a package trip or Cruise does the best job. I’ll cover some UK stuff too, we do have some lovely places to visit.

I’m not really one for all the socials, so this blogging thing its a bit new to me, so apologies if this site isn’t quite as sharp as it could be, its a big learning curve!

Diddly Squat Farm Shop
Yes, I really did stand in a queue for 2 hours to buy some overpriced goodies